District 20 Area 11

Guilford Connecticut Alcoholics Anonymous

District 20 (Area 11) Meeting Minutes

June 20, 2024 6:30 PM.    

Guilford Community Center – Leete Room


In Attendance: Geoff B, Herb S, Tom G, Rob P, Ginny R, Peter G, Al Di, Murphy H, Eryka P, Meredith G, Meghan M, Nick R, Fred P.

Meeting opened at 6:34

GSR Preamble,

Responsibility Statement,

Serenity Prayer

Welcome to all in attendance.

Reading of Tradition and Concept 6


Welcome announcements and introductions: Welcome GSR’s.  Julie P. will be the new GSR for Friday PM Speaker Meeting at the First Congregational Church – Julie was not present.

Rosa DeLauro is holding a meet and greet for community groups – Geoff asking if attending would be appropriate for this a representative from this group.


  • Group Concerns – none reported.
  • Discussion/Review on what and how this district is carrying the message to the next sick and suffering alcoholic.


  • Remarks on the D20 Website Herb received and passed on the members. This was discussed in the forum; no decisions were made at this meeting. Discussion and considerations will be ongoing.
  • Discussion on beginning to Study the Traditions as a group prior to our regular meeting, or at another agreed upon time. Al Di stated he is working on a project on this topic. Murphy offered to facilitate the group; and recommends using the AA Comes of Age book. There was some interest in the subject and some members would like to begin that process, more to follow.
  • Status on the Pay Pal account – Gregory is not at the meeting tonight due to a family commitment – more to follow.

Officer’s Reports

DCM: Geoff has been attending DCM, All Area and monthly meetings in his role as DCM. He attended Spring Assembly May 19.

A11-CPC and PI

Area 11 Pre-Conference Assembly – Relevant topics

Spring Assembly is May 19th – a report will be published outlining any changes or decisions.


Treasurer Report:

Total cash (Key Bank): $3,741.60
Cash held in excess of prudent reserve: $2,664.35 Cash held in prudent reserve: $1,077.25

  • $200.14 held in Venmo not yet transferred to KeyBank (in addition to $160.00 undeposited check from May yields $4,101.74 aggregate cash position) June Expenses:
  • No expenses

June Income:

  • $100.14 (CT Shoreline Online Meeting)
  • $100.00 (Saturday AM Police Station Meeting)

Budget Variance Report:

  • Revenue variance -$39.84 to YTD 2023 (running at 44.1% of annual budget 46.6% through the fiscal year)
  • Expense variance +$569.00 to YTD 2023 (running at 42.94% of annual budget 46.6% through the fiscal year)

Budget Notes and Discussion:

  • PayPal account has been created – will be transitioning from Venmo to PayPal in July and will update all District materials with new information

Money in from Venmo for July, From North Guilford Men’s Meeting 125.00 deposited in PC’s Venmo 7/4/24

On 7/2 North Guilford Sunday PM Big Book deposited 100.00 in PC’s Venmo for total of 225.00 for July – I will check the mailbox when I get back from vacation.



Secretary – Minutes were reviewed and approved, with no corrections.

Registrar: Reported everything up to date.

Answering Service:   Area 11 will be creating their own answering service; no longer being done by the district.

Corrections Rep – Training has wrapped up, meetings will be going to Whalley Ave Prison.  There are meetings going to Niantic Prison also.

Grapevine Rep – Meredith asked that Grape Vine be sent to York Prison – approved.

Schedules/Website – Schedule is up to date.

Public Information Rep: Murphy was elected for this position at this meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 7:40

Respectfully Submitted,

Pamela C.