District 20 (Area 11) Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2024 at 6:30 pm
Guilford Community Center – Leete Room
In Attendance: Meredith G., Peter G., Fred P., Geoff B., Tom G., Pam C., Al Di, Nicholas M., Murph H., Meghan M., Ginny R., Molly M., Kathryn Y.
The meeting was opened at 6:30 pm.
GSR Preamble
Responsibility Statement
Serenity Prayer
Welcome to all in attendance
Reading of Tradition and Concept 8
Service and Sharing Event – Geoff was able to connect with the DCMs for D19 & D21 and both thought this event would be a good idea. It was suggested to start planning now for a date in Spring 2025.
The names card for newcomers that was approved has been printed and is available tonight please take some to distribute at your meetings.
Area 11 Convention took place. It was reported that there were good speakers and workshops., and the 4th step workshop was very helpful. Noted that attendance has been down post COVID. Fred reminded the group that each district has the opportunity to appoint a representative to these events. There has been discussion of a possible location change as the current location is inconvenient for some.
Next month: discuss ideas to fill convention rep. position for D20
The Venmo to Paypal conversion is now complete.
Geoff again mentioned the development of a course for navigating AA’s digital assets; Tim P. chair of Area 11 Public Information committee, has agreed to help.
It was noted that the checking account from the old District 4 is being closed out and District 20 will receive a small sum.
TREASURY – The Treasurer’s Report was accepted as follows:
Total cash (Key Bank): $4,555.75
Cash held in excess of prudent reserve: $3,478.50
Cash held in prudent reserve: $1,077.25
Cash position reflects all sources and locations of income to date
September Expenses: $584.21 to fund purchase of literature for the district (approved expense from August meeting)
September Income:
$55.00 Joy of Living Happy Hour
Budget Variance Report:
Revenue variance +$840.41 to YTD 2023 (running at 87.5% of annual budget at 71.8% through the fiscal year)
Expense variance -$337.27 to YTD 2023 (running at 68.9% of annual budget 71.8% through the fiscal year)
Budget Notes and Discussion:
For discussion: 2024 Thanksgiving Alcathon contribution; given excess prudent reserve, suggesting a $500 contribution for group discussion
There was discussion regarding funding the Alcathon, it was clarified that the sponsoring district usually provides seed money and others contribute. Since the Alcathon is in Clinton and not in District 20 the seed money would not be our responsibility.
RECORDING SECRETARY – the minutes from 9.19.24 meeting were reviewed and approved with no corrections.
There was discussion regarding organization of the minutes, it was suggested that they be organized by Motion. There was not a consensus among the group regarding this suggestion.
REGISTRAR – it was noted that the GSR listings need to be updated, but there are no changes needed to group listings.
ANSWERING SERVICE – things are running smoothly with the new telephone number. The committee is taking volunteers, Fred passed around a sign up sheet. Fred explained how the answering service works, how calls are triaged.
CORRECTIONS REP – Peter reported that things are going well at Whalley, there is good attendance at meetings and they are grateful. They requested contact information for the Bridging the Gap program to connect people leaving incarcerated settings.
GRAPEVINE REP – Meredith provided an update on planning for the October 5th Grape Jam event, which will take place from 10am – 2pm at First Baptist Church in Southington.
The literature order discussed last month was placed at a total of $584. It was noted that literature orders may be placed with District 20 via the email address: d20a11grapevine@gmail.com.
Al suggested putting a noticed in the monthly Shoreline Events newsletter detailing the process for ordering literature.
Additional Announcements:
Geoff noted that the 4pm Saturday meeting at the Baptist Church has identified a need for a safety and/or code of conduct card. He pulled some language from GSO and distributed a draft for review that can be edited and posted, put in a binder or distributed. Seeking feedback.
Herb is putting together training on how to edit the web site. People interested should see Herb.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Y.