District 20 (Area 11) Meeting Minutes
July 18, 2024 at 6:30 pm
In Attendance: Geoff B., Herb S., Molly M., Tom, Nick R., Al D., Fred P., Meredith G., Murphy H., Greg D., Quinn, Kathryn YThe meeting was opened at 6:33 pm.
GSR Preamble
Responsibility Statement
Serenity Prayer
Welcome to all in attendance
Reading of Tradition and Concept 7
Welcome Kathryn Y. new Recording Secretary.
Brooke from Joy of Living has expressed interest in involvement in the Bridging the Gap Program. This is a program that would provide contact telephone number to people coming out of prison or treatment settings. People wishing to be involved would need to get a group together.
Web Site
For today’s meeting the group was to look through the web site and offer feedback on contents.
Al handed out a concept sheet for general web site design for reference.
The following suggestions were made:
Remove Addiction and Recovery Songs page
Remove or clarify January 6th page to ensure no confusion with political events
Remove link to buy literature from Hazelden
Remove celebrity names and full names of individuals on Speaker page
Remove Fourth step page
Remove cross talk page
Include only links to/mention of AA literature
Next steps: a list will be compiled of all proposed changes for the group to review and vote on at next month’s meeting.
Traditions Study at 5:30 pm preceding this monthly third Thursday business meeting at 6:30 pm.
Suggestion to make the meeting a regular AA meeting and publish it in the regular meeting schedule, to draw others in.
Suggestion to make it a Traditions meeting just for our group, with the intent for this group to study together and bond. Point was made that coming and going participation takes away from the linear experience of studying all 12.
Suggestion to use AA Comes of Age, which is a book outlining the history and landscape behind the Traditions.
A motion was approved that Murphy and Meredith lead a Traditions Workshop series at 5:30 pm the third Thursday of each month immediately preceding this business meeting.
A motion was approved to purchase 5 copies of AA Comes of Age at approximately $65 each.
Murphy will investigate Language of the Heart, which addresses problems other than alcohol.
Meredith advised that on August 10th there will be an all-day workshop and play on the Traditions at St. Mary’s Church in Clinton.
The Venmo to Paypal conversion is in process, working on issues with two factor authentication.
Pam is working on development and printing of a names card for newcomers to be handed out at meetings, will introduce next meeting.
Herb proposed a speakers exchange across districts, would meet on Zoom.
OFFICER’S REPORTSDCM – Geoff reported the District 19 meeting was very poorly attended (Branford(s) and East Haven). It was suggested to consider a “Service Day” for Districts 19, 20 (Guilford) and 21 (Westbrook, Madison, Clinton, Killingworth) to help the districts with food served, speakers, tables representing all positions. It was suggested reaching out to districts not participating to overcome apathy. Geoff would need to be in touch with Districts 19 and 21 about this potential event.
TREASURY – The Treasurer’s Report was accepted as follows:
Total cash (Key Bank): $3,960.70
Cash held in excess of prudent reserve: $2,883.45
Cash held in prudent reserve: $1,077.25
Held in Venmo not yet transferred to Key Bank: $325 (yields $4,285.70 aggregate cash position)
July Expenses: $240.76 Grapevine subscriptions
July Income: $325 North Guilford Men’s Back to Basics Meeting
Budget Variance Report:
Revenue variance +$385.16 to YTD 2023 (running at 61.1% of annual budget 54.5% through the fiscal year)
Expense variance -$246.94 to YTD 2023 (running at 45.55% of annual budget 54.5% through the fiscal year)
Budget Notes and Discussion:
Quarterly tax filing with CT State completed
PayPal account has been created, will be transitioning from Venmo to PayPal in August and will update all District materials with new information
RECORDING SECRETARY – the minutes from 6.20.2024 meeting were reviewed and approved with no corrections.
REGISTRAR – reported everything is up to date.
ANSWERING SERVICE – Fred reported that the new AA CT Answering Service OUTGOING phone number is: 203.846.4343. It was explained that this change results in reduced burden due to fewer call transfers. Fred has a list of answering service volunteers and sign up sheets. Herb offered to put a link to sign up on the web site. It was also noted that because the area now handles the answering service this increases financial burden for area so districts should be advised accordingly when making contributions.
PUBLIC INFORMATION REP – Geoff has literature for Murphy who has just accepted the position. Murphy explained that there is a discount if the district buys literature in bulk to sell there is a discount. Will bring information next meeting.
CPC REP – Position vacant.
CORRECTIONS REP – The Whalley Men’s jail has approved receipt of Grapevine, and a motion to purchase this subscription was made and approved. This must be delivered by hand so Nick R. offered to do so.
GRAPEVINE REP – Meredith reported that planning is taking place for the Grape Jam.
SCHEDULES/WEBSITE – Schedule is up to date. Web site discussions continuing.
TREATMENT REP – No report.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn Y.
DISCUSSION POINTS – d20a11.org web site
Resources Page – remove Addiction and Recovery Songs page
Resources Page – remove, rename or clarify January 6th page to eliminate any possible confusion with political events occurring on that day
Remove link to buy literature from Hazelden (where is this on the site?). Consider request to “not go too far” in eliminating other helpful materials that are not AA literature.
Resources – AA Speakers Page, remove celebrity names and full names of individuals (anywhere else on the site?)
Resources – remove Fourth Step suggestions page
Resources – remove Thoughts about Cross Talk page