District 20 Area 11

Guilford Connecticut Alcoholics Anonymous

District 20 (Area 11) Meeting Minutes

November 21 , 2024 at 6:30 pm

Guilford Community Center – Leete Room


In Attendance: Geoff B., Kathryn Y., Peter, Murphy, Herb, Meredith, Al, Pam C., Molly M., Tom G., Rob P., Fred P., Nick, Greg

The meeting was opened at 6:35 pm.

GSR Preamble

Responsibility Statement

Serenity Prayer

Welcome to all in attendance

Reading of Tradition and Concept 9




  • The group made a round of introductions



  • Update on the Paypal situation – working on connecting Paypal to Key Bank. A QR code has been made for Paypal that can be circulated, added to web site, printed out.
  • Herb asked for any updates or feedback on the Speaker Exchange idea. Please keep talking about it at meetings.
  • Alcathon contributions – a check written for the Clinton Thanksgiving alcathon, will be delivered on Monday. It was noted that given our current treasury we could be more generous next year. Reminder to announce at meetings you attend remind at meetings to send in contributions. Al volunteered to make some 50 or so cards with the district QR code for treasurer use, not for local meeting baskets.



  • Officer election updates:


Alt-DCM Tom G. New – approved. Murphy will assist first few months as needed.
Treasurer Pam C. Continuing – approved.
Alt-Treasurer Greg Continuing – approved.
Registrar Open Suggest return to DCM.
Recording Secretary Kathryn Y. Continuing – approved.
CPC Nick with Ginny assisting New – approved.
PI Murphy Continuing – approved.
Grapevine Open Meredith no longer lives in D20, need new person
Corrections Peter Continuing – approved.
Web Site Al D. New – approved. Herb not continuing.
Schedules Open Herb not continuing.
Accessibilities Open
Alki-line Open Transition to some other format than print?
Treatment Rep Rob P. Continuing – approved.
Archives Open
Event Committees – All Open


Additional notes on elections:

Grapevine – Area 11 researching possibility of Grapevine committee at area level

Geoff, Herb, and Fred – are all standing for positions in Area 11, Geoff could continue as DCM if not successful, Herb and Fred do not anticipate availability.

GSR elections are done at the group level. Pam will continue as GSR for Joy of Living. OFFICER’S REPORTS


Day of sharing/service is still very much of interest and in the planning stages. , still very much of interest. There will be information tables, representatives from Area 11 committees to talk with attendees, food and perhaps speakers.

Geoff is still talking with Ted P. outgoing Area 11 PI chair on a program in navigating AA’s digital assets.

TREASURY – The Treasurer’s Report was accepted as follows:

Total cash (Key Bank): $5,662.26

Cash held in excess of prudent reserve: $4,585.01

Cash held in prudent reserve: $1,077.25

Cash position reflects all sources and locations of income to date:

November Expenses:

$200 contribution to Clinton Thanksgiving alcathon

$119 payment to Annual Records Service for our incorporation fees

$46.80 for two, two-year subscriptions to La Vina

November Income:

$690.72, distribution from Area 4

$140, Guilford Young People’s Meeting (received 10.3.24, deposited November)

$100, Saturday Morning Step Meeting

$400 Joy of Living Group

$220, North Guilford Men’s Back to Basics Group

$40, Candlelight Group

Budget Variance Report:

  • Revenue variance +$1,205.85 to YTD 2023 (running at 155% of annual budget at 89% through the fiscal year)
  • Expense variance +$238.27 to YTD 2023 (running at 84% of annual budget 89% through the fiscal year)

Budget Notes and Discussion:

  • It was noted that the D20 incorporation fee of $119/year is not needed. It’s not necessary for the district to be incorporated, we should have a non-profit-like status. Greg will investigate and report on the process and other implications – bank account, taxes etc.
  • It was noted that the Treasurer email address needs to be activated.
  • It was suggested that D20 has too much excess cash and we should be spending it within the district. Fred suggests waiting a year since the district is too new.
  • Suggestion: put together a 2025 district budget, expenses (example DCM travel to conferences, things like gas mileage, etc. Each officer position has funds allocated, and each committee.
  • October Treasurer’s report was approved without corrections.

RECORDING SECRETARY – the minutes from 10.17.24 meeting were reviewed and approved with no corrections.


REGISTRAR – Al Distributed copy of GSR roster, please notify of any changes. GSRs should rotate out if possible and can find a replacement.

ALKI-LINE – Al is rotating out after 5 years, will cease publication in a printed form at the end of the year. New chair will come up with something new.

ANSWERING SERVICE – Fred passed around sign up forms, shared some stories. Number is: 866-STEPS12.

CORRECTIONS REP – Peter attended the monthly Area 11 meeting, Holly is stepping down as Area chair has someone else lined up to transition. Ordered 130 corrections pre-release information pamphlet for Whalley and hopefully to Niantic. These were free.

GRAPEVINE REP – sold books to an individual and to the Fri night speaker meeting. Plain language big book began publication November 1, this is a tool to help people of all educational levels understand AA. Unfortunately they are on back order and we cannot place an order while on backorder. We are out of big books currently. It was proposed and voted to take 10 books to the Thanksgiving alcathon for raffle. It was suggested to create QR codes and cards with information to purchase books. Reminder about the literature/Grapevine table at the Thanksgiving alcathon.

PR REP – no report

PCP REP – no report


The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Kathryn Y.

District 20
Area 11
GSR Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
December 19, 2024
Treasurer Report:
Total cash (Key Bank): $5,143.26
Cash held in excess of prudent reserve: $4,066.01
Cash held in prudent reserve: $1,077.25
• Cash position reflects all but one undeposited check for $68.00
December Expenses:
• $200 contribution to Branford Alkathon
December Income:
• $68.00, Steps to Serenity Online Group
Budget Report:
• Revenue for the year totaled $3,945.88, a positive variance of +$1,273.85 to FY 2023 (closing the year at 157.9% of the revenue budget)
• Expenses for the year totaled $2,288.64, a positive variance of $26.09 to FY 2023 (closing the year at 91.6% of the expense budget)
• Net Income for FY 2024 was $1,657.24 and our cash position closed out the year $4,134.01 in excess of prudent reserve.
Budget Notes and Discussion:
• The process of un-incorporating the ‘District 20 Area 11 Corp’ legal entity, and re-forming as a new group, includes the following steps:
o Board Approval – hold a Board meeting, draft a resolution to dissolve
o Settle Debts and Obligations – make any final payments to service providers
o File a Certificate of Dissolution – make filing with CT Secretary of State and pay filing fee
o Finalize Tax Returns and Payments to CT Dept of Revenue
o Determine Form of New Entity or Organization – ‘Unincorporated Organization’ is the prevailing model used by other Districts; requires
bylaws and a resolution authorizing specific members to open and manage a bank account; note that members may have personal liability for
any obligations of the group
o File for EIN for New Entity – will require bylaws and resolution
o Open New Bank Account – open account in the name of the new entity
o Distribute Assets – open new bank account in the name of the succeeding entity, deposit funds
o Close Accounts – close Key Bank account, PayPal account
o Retain Records (3-7 years)
