District 20 Area 11

Guilford Connecticut Alcoholics Anonymous

April 25, 2024 Minutes

District 20 (Area 11) Meeting Minutes

April 25, 2024 6:30 PM.

Guilford Community Center – Leete Room

In Attendance: Geoff B, Erika P, Fred P, Meredith G, Quinn G, Al D, Herb S, Greg D, Tom G, Ginny R, Peter G, Molly M and

Pam C – recording secretary.

Meeting opened at 6:30

GSR Preamble,

Responsibility Statement,

Serenity Prayer

Welcome to all in attendance.

Reading of Tradition and Concept 4


· Group Concerns – none reported.


· Events Rep – do we need one – after discussion group decided we do not need an events rep.

· Treatment Center Committee – Will help organize meetings to prisons, treatment centers. There are groups that are bringing meetings to CVH, Whalley Ave and possibly Niantic. We would like to have a person responsible for coordinating so we are aware of where additional needs may be.

Motion was made and for Tom G to head up the Treatment Committee. Motion was approved.

Officer’s Reports


A11-CPC and PI

Area 11 Pre-Conference Assembly – Relevant topics

Spring Assembly is May 19th -it will explain what was voted on at the convention.

Nick R. is bringing a meeting to Whalley Ave 1st Tuesday of each month @7PM starting in May.

Decided not to use place mats for PSA


Reported total cash: 3,741.60.

Cash held in excess of prudent reserve 2,664.35

Cash Held in prudent reserve 1,077.25.

Money in for April: 230.85 from Mike J PM Happy Hr.

Pay Pal account has been created, transition from Venmo to Pay Pal will be taking place.

Are GSR’s communicating to their meetings about details of 7th Tradition contributions? Do treasurers have the information they need to move funds to the district and Area?

Money to the GSO may not be as urgent as expected – Topic of donation will be tabled and addressed at the years end.

Secretary – Minutes were reviewed and approved, with no corrections.

Registrar: Reported everything up to date.

Answering Service: The vote on the Answering Service budget will be May 2 – the desired outcome is consolidation of area 11 thereby consolidating expenses for Answering Service. . The outcome At the March 2024 Area 11 meeting there was a motion “To increase to increase the budget by $3400 for 2024" which would enable to Area to cover the cost of consolidating the Answering Service for all of Area 11 (The State of CT) so that individual districts would not have to pay for Answering Service at the district level. This would result in a cost saving of about 1/2 from greater than $28K to less than $16K and produce a more efficient system with the ability to connect a caller to an AA volunteer, quicker and cleaner. To pass this motion would require a 2/3's vote at the June Area Meeting.

Corrections Rep – The meetings at Whalley are going to be underway in May, after training by the facility wraps up.

Grapevine Rep – Meredith announced Grape Vine will now be printed in Spanish.

Schedules/Website – Schedule is up to date.
