District 20 Area 11

Guilford Connecticut Alcoholics Anonymous

District 20 GSR

District 20 (Area 11) Meeting Minutes

August 15, 2024 at 6:30 pm

Guilford Community Center – Leete Room

In Attendance: Geoff B., Herb S., Meredith G., Fred P., Pam C., Nick, Al D., Meghan T., Murphy, Greg, Rob, Jenny, Peter

The meeting was opened at 6:35 pm.

GSR Preamble

Responsibility Statement

Serenity Prayer

Welcome to all in attendance

Reading of Tradition and Concept 8



  • Nick is replacing Quinn as GSR for the Guilford Young Peoples’ Group
  • Pam is replacing Nick R. as GSR for the Joy of Living Group, and also serving as Alt Treasurer
  • Rob is serving as Treatments Rep
  • Herb is recruiting members for Web Site and Scheduling committees


  • Speaker Exchange – discussion continued from last meeting. Purpose would be to help groups find speakers from outside. What would be the requirements? Is it a good idea to take this to group speaker seekers? Murphy talked about the old hard copy card system. Recommendation was made for GSRs to get feedback from their groups, if people are interested let Herb know and we will proceed with organizing an exchange.


  • Web site – the committee will take feedback from our last meeting and incorporate it into the web site.


  • Venmo to Paypal conversion – Setup of QR code authentication is being completed and should be ready in the next couple of days.


  • Names/phone number card for newcomers – Al and Pam drafted a sample card and distributed it for feedback. Cost to print 250 cards would be $72. It was moved and seconded to proceed with a first printing of these rack cards for distribution and use.


  • Geoff asked again if there might be interest in a quarterly technology session for District 20, to address things like navigating the web sites, using phone apps, buying literature etc.



  • It was noted that a service manual and GSR packets are available at this meeting
  • Note that the group preceded the business meeting with our first Traditions Study session at 5:30 pm. We read from AA Comes of Age and shared discussion.



  • There was clarification regarding Intergroups, in order to form an Intergroup permission of the local districts is needed along with consultation with the area and GSO.
  • It was noted that area CPC and PI meetings are poorly attended, is there anything that this group can do to help nearby districts with attendance?
  • Regarding the proposed Sharing/Service event for D20 with D11, D19 and D21 – Geoff still needs to connect with the other Districts.
  • Representatives from District 20 are needed at the Hartford Area 11 Convention the weekend of September 13th.

TREASURY – The Treasurer’s Report was accepted as follows:

Total cash (Key Bank): $4,765.70

Cash held in excess of prudent reserve: $3,688.45

Cash held in prudent reserve: $1,077.25

Cash position reflects all sources and locations of income to date

August Expenses: no new expenses

August Income:

$100 CT Shoreline Online Group

$400 Joy of Living

$60 Joy of Living Happy Hour

Budget Variance Report:

  • Revenue variance +$785.41 to YTD 2023 (running at 85.3% of annual budget 61.6% through the fiscal year)
  • Expense variance -$246.94 to YTD 2023 (running at 45.6% of annual budget 61.6% through the fiscal year)

Budget Notes and Discussion:

  • Paypal is working with most groups contributing now.
  • Upcoming expenses, keep in mind that the holiday alcathons will need seed money and support.
  • Also note that with the change to the answering service meetings may want to reallocate their contributions with more going to the Area which is now picking up the answering service cost, and less to the District. Suggested 40 Area /30 District / 30 GSO split.

RECORDING SECRETARY – the minutes from 7.18.2024 meeting were reviewed and approved with no corrections.


REGISTRAR – reported everything is up to date.

ANSWERING SERVICE – see note under Treasury report regarding reallocation of group contributions to cover the new answering service arrangements.

CORRECTIONS REP – Peter attended the monthly meeting at the Whalley Avenue Men’s jail and suggested getting a pdf pamphlet to print and hand out to attendees. He reported that 6 people are now approved to attend meetings at Whalley Avenue. It was also reported that other districts have budgets for corrections literature and suggested doing an analysis of literature needs at Whalley to determine future requests.

GRAPEVINE REP – Meredith reported that work continues in planning the October Grape Jam event. IT was proposed that if we have extra funds the group consider purchasing literature to have on hand. Megan suggested compiling a list of literature available to groups for purchase. It was noted that there is a $500 minimum for orders to save money, and there was discussion. A motion was approved to allocate $500 to purchase books, with the Grapevine Rep deciding which ones. GSRs should go to Meredith with their literature needs.

SCHEDULES/WEBSITE – It was requested that members keep the Traditions in mind when considering proposed web site changes.

Announcement: Reminder that August 18th Early Morning Risers and Zoomers hosting picnic at Jacobs Beach from 10am – 4pm, bring a dish all are welcome.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathryn Y.

