District 20 Area 11

Guilford Connecticut Alcoholics Anonymous

District 20 (Area 11) Meeting Minutes

December 19 , 2024 at 6:30 pm

Guilford Community Center – Leete Room


In Attendance: Geoff B., Kathryn Y., Murphy, Herb, Pam C., Molly M. Fred P., Nick

The meeting was opened at 6:35 pm.

GSR Preamble

Responsibility Statement

Serenity Prayer

Welcome to all in attendance

Reading of Tradition and Concept 12



  • The group made a round of introductions



  • Elections – Murphy will connect with Tom G. to confirm he is accepting role as incoming DCM
  • Registrar – it was recommended to roll this position into the DCM responsibilities.

Question: what is meant by “groups” versus “meetings”, Fred clarified.

There was discussion around how to boost attendance at this meeting. Suggestions included providing food/snacks, announce at individual meetings, talk about service sponsorship. It was also mentioned that training for GSRs is potentially available at the Area level.



  • Officer election updates:


Position Officer Notes
DCM Tom G. New – approved. Murphy will assist first few months as needed.
Alt-DCM ?? Did we nominate someone? Is this Murphy?
Treasurer Pam C. Continuing – approved.
Alt-Treasurer Greg Continuing – approved.
Registrar Open Suggest return responsibilities to DCM position
Recording Secretary Kathryn Y. Continuing – approved.
CPC Nick New – approved.
PI Murphy Continuing – approved.
Grapevine Open Vacant
Corrections Peter Continuing – approved.
Web Site Al D. New – approved.
Schedules Open Vacant
Accessibilities Open Vacant
Alki-line Open Transitioning to new format other than print, possibly podcast.
Treatment Rep Rob P. Continuing – approved.
Archives Open Vacant
Answering Service Open Vacant

Event Committees – All


Rompiendo Fronteras



Open Suggestion to make the DCM contact for all of these.



 DCM –

 Day of Service event for D20/D19 has strong interest, is still at the back of the envelope planning stages.

Digital Assets Workshop still in discussion with Ted, outgoing Area 11 PI Chair.

TREASURY – The Treasurer’s Report was accepted as follows:

Total cash (Key Bank): $5,143.26

Cash held in excess of prudent reserve: $4,066.01

Cash held in prudent reserve: $1,077.25

Cash position reflects all sources and locations of income to date:

December Expenses:

$200 contribution to Branford Christmas Alcathon

December Income:

$68.00 Steps to Serenity Online group

Budget Variance Report:

  • Revenue for the year totaled $3,945.88, a positive variance of $1,273.85 to FY 1012 (closing the year at 157.9% of the revenue budget)
  • Expenses for the year totaled $2,288.64, a positive variance of $26.09 to FY 2023 (closing the year at 91.6% of the expense budget)
  • Net Income for FY 2024 totaled $1,657.24 and our cash position closed out the year $4,134.01 in excess of prudent reserve.

Budget Notes and Discussion:

Pam outlined steps for unincorporating the area. It was agreed that Greg will consult an attorney who might be able to advise on best course of action, and possibly handle all of the pieces at the same time for one fee.

RECORDING SECRETARY – the minutes from 11.21.24 meeting were reviewed and approved with no corrections.

Geoff mentioned that D20 minutes and agendas should ideally be going to CT AA.org for archiving. He will with Jordan before he moves on and ask if he’s interested in receiving out materials. Then if so, determine the process for providing those on a regular basis.


REGISTRAR – up to date

ALKI-LINE – publication is possibly transitioning to a podcast format.

ANSWERING SERVICE – D20 is in good shape, with a large number of both male and female volunteers.

CORRECTIONS REP – no updates

GRAPEVINE REP – Meredith reporter that a display was set up at the Clinton Thanksgiving Alcathon with grapevines, candy and QR codes to subscribe. We donated 10 books of varying titles to the Alkathon for raffle, they were very appreciative.

There is one tote with remaining literature, copies of grapevine, excess supply of candy etc as well as cash from book sales that needs to be transferred to someone at District before January 1, and also share the email login so that it can continue to be monitored. Kathryn will be in touch with Meredith separately about this.

Update on the plain language Big Book – ran out first printing, corrections to be made prior to second printing.

PR REP – Murphy updated the group on refreshing of pamphlets and literature.

PCP REP – suggestions were made as to places to connect and distribute information within the D20 community – ministers, attorneys, doctors, other service providers, Women & Family Life Center, etc.


EVENTS REPS – suggestion was made to have all of these roll up to the DCM role.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathryn Y.
