Attendees: GSR – Nick Treasurer – Trish Secretary – Geoffrey, Kate, Dave, Lanny, Jack, Tim, Gretchen, Herb, Kevin Agenda: Commence Meeting -
7:01- Nick opened meeting. Accept Minutes - No minutes from previous meeting to accept.
Vote in alternate GSR Erica – voted in unanimously.
Treasures report – Balance, reserve, remainder contributions to be paid GSO-20%, District-40%, Area-40% Vote unanimously to publish treasures report and meeting minutes on webpage. Trish to remove any personal information from treasurer’s report and provide to Herb. Trish will give minutes to Sudie and Herb for the website.
Open Business: Kevin made a motion modify the Tuesday Step meeting to include a tradition the first Tuesday of each month to reflect the current month. Motion passed. Motion will be brought to the meeting to vote on. Motion to modify meeting and vote request for 4/30 was communicated to the group.
NOTE-Motion as approved on Tuesday 4/30 Format on Tuesday Step meeting- First Tuesday of each month the chairperson will read the Correlating Tradition and open discussion. If a new comer is in attendance that day the chair will reach Step 1 and the tradition will be skipped for the month.
Gretchen exploring the addition of a Step 11 meeting. More to come on this.
Treasurer's Report