District 20 Area 11

Guilford Connecticut Alcoholics Anonymous

Agenda March 21 Business Meeting

District 20 GSR Meeting Agenda: March 21, 2024 Guilford Community Center at 6:30 – 7:30 pm In the Leete Room 

WELCOME GSR PREAMBLE (Recite together): As General Service Representatives we are the communication link for our groups and the world of AA. As Trusted Servants, our job is to bring information to our groups so that they may reach an informed group conscience. Let us have the patience to listen while others share, and have the wisdom to do what is right for our groups and AA as a whole.

RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT (Recite together): I am responsible when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that: I am responsible. SERENITY PRAYER (Recite together):

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS ▪ Welcome GSRs and new GSRs. (New GSRs please introduce yourselves). ▪ Welcome guests and group Contact People.

TRADITIONS & CONCEPTS (Two volunteers to simply read what’s below). ▪ Tradition 3: The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking.. ▪ Concept 3: To ensure effective leadership, we should endow each element of A.A. - the Conference, the General Service Board, and its service corporations, staff, committees, and executives - with a traditional “Right of Decision.” 

OLD BUSINESS ▪ Nominate/Elect additional Officers and/or Committee Chairs as needed. ▪ AA Meetings for the Deaf. ▪ Reprint Guilford Trifolds. Completed.

NEW BUSINESS ▪ GSR Packets. Al is completing. Geoff has a PDF of the Service Manual. ▪ Discuss a sobriety requirement for Corrections group and other committees. 


1. Meetings: DCM Sharing, A11-CPC and PI o A11 Pre-Conference Assembly (April 6th)

2. Financial Condition of GSO (depreciation?).

3. Down to 4 service manuals and 2 GSR packets – Order more or download and print?

4. Committee emails? ▪ Treasurer o Treasurer’s financial report. (Approval required) ▪ Recording Secretary

5.  Review of February Minutes. (Approval Required) ▪ Registrar o Everything seems up-to-date and coordinated with Area 11 

SERVICE & EVENT REPORTS ▪ Alki-line. ▪ Answering Service ▪ Corrections Rep ▪ Grapevine Rep ▪ Public Information/CPC: working on a spreadsheet of “prospects”. Monthly Area 11 Meetings, Diner Table Mats!! ▪ Schedules/Website.


NOTE: Email addresses in light grey may not have been set up yet.


DCM Geoff B 203-668-6252 d20a11dcm@gmail.com

Alt-DCM Herb S d20a11altdcm@gmail.com

Treasurer Pamela C 3 d20a11treasurer@gmail.com

Alt-Treasurer Greg D  d20a11alttreasurer@gmail.com

Registrar Al Di 203-215-0992 d20a11registrar@gmail.com

Recording Sect Pamela C  d20a11treasurer@gmail.com

Standing Committees

Accessibilities Alki-line Rep Al Di  d20a11alkiline@gmail.com

Answering Service Rep Fred P  d20a1answering@gmail.com

Archives Rep Needed

Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) Rep Geoff with Ginny

Corrections Rep Peter G  d20a11treatment@gmail.com

Grapevine Rep Meredith G  d20a11grapevine@gmail.com

Public Info. Rep Geoff B  d20a11pi@gmail.com

Schedules/Web Rep Herb S  d20a11web@gmail.com

Treatment Rep Needed

Event Committees Area 11 Convention Rep Needed, CT State Conference of Young People in A.A. (CSCYPAA) Rep Needed, Rompiendo Fronteras (Breaking New Frontiers Rep Needed,Roundup Rep Needed, Soberfest Rep Needed
